A 28-year-old anesthetist working in the OR of a government hospital in Mumbai shares the ups and downs of her days as a doctor amidst the Covid19 pandemic. This is the ninth installment of a daily diary she shares with The Swaddle.
Doctor Diary, Day 8: “I Am a Workaholic, But I Have to Take Care of My Own Health Too”
Morning: Cleaning I have a terrible OCD about cleaning. It drives people nuts. Even at work — I have to rearrange syringes. Keep my anaesthesia trolley clean. Throw the wastes in the correct bins, which is often neglected in our government hospitals in spite of training.
Afternoon: Wedding shopping I finally picked my sarees for D day. The initial date for the wedding was set in January. My dad did have a bad feeling about it right from early February, that the coronavirus would become a big deal. But I had grandly proclaimed to him that I can’t stop living my life because of a virus. Ironically, I have.
We postponed the wedding to August because I was called for Covid19 duty. I took it in my stride. Though it made me sad, I had to understand it was just better for all of us. I don’t think it was a choice. Duty always comes first.
It was something I was looking forward to. I was scheduled to finish my service bond on July 31st, which was why we decided on August, as I would have been able to finish work and then join a new place.
Now we’ve postponed the wedding from August to December. Hopefully, we won’t have to push it much more. We want a small wedding, but with a few people flying down from other countries. Hoping it can still happen.
Night: Waking up I was expecting a call in the wee hours. I didn’t get one, but I kept waking up all night in anticipation. My turn next.
As told to Rajvi Desai.