Woe Is Me! is a series in which The Swaddle team indulges your pity party with advice you’ll probably ignore.
"I am about to hook up with a guy who was also my best friend's fling. She was fine with it in the beginning. Earlier, she had also hooked up with someone who I had a crush on. But now, when I told her that her ex-fling asked me out, she says she is feeling pukish at the thought of it. There’s a part of me that wants to take revenge for what she had done before, but I don’t think I can handle the impact it might have on our friendship. What should I do?"
-- The revenge hook up
MM: If a part of you is thinking about revenge, then it has already impacted your friendship, hasn't it? Other potential flings surely exist for both you and her to stop indulging in this messy overlap.
SA: Don't be petty. There's other fish in the sea. Let this one go. If the friendship is important, you need to prioritize your friend's feelings. You might have been fine with her hooking up with your crush but that doesn't mean she has to feel the same way. Also your quest for 'revenge' makes it sound like you weren't so fine with what she did either. Bring that up with her and make your feelings crystal clear so you both avoid any overlap in the future.
NY: GIRL! This is THE DANGER ZONE! Why would either of you risk upsetting/insulting each other over a GUY? Whatever happened to Girl Code? And besides, she had an active relationship with the dude while it was a crush for you (yes, that is super emotionally damaging and you feeling hurt is valid-ish but I am with her on this)! No way should you sabotage your friendship with your best friend. I say -- neutralise the asset ASAP! Talk to your girl, both of you dump that boy and just find yourselves better men. It's not worth it, honestly!