Ethics Statement
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Statement of Partnership Ethics

As an independent media company staunchly committed to our values, we want to be thoughtful and selective about the paid work we take on. Revenue from partners is what allows our work to remain independent, critical, and insightful — not to mention ad-free. However, we want partners who believe in and bolster our work. And so we are selective about who we partner with — we choose those brands that demonstrate a track record of steadfast commitment to our core values. We also only partner with companies who agree that our editorial integrity is part of what makes us who we are, and respect the editorial autonomy of the work they sponsor.

We can commit to you, our readers, viewers, followers, and listeners that our partners will be the vehicle through which we reach higher, do more, and bring you bigger, better versions of the work you already know and love. Our sponsored work will always remain an editorial work product, free from any outside influence or intervention. Our integrity and your trust are too important to us.

We hope you enjoy our partner campaigns as much as we enjoy creating them.

-The Swaddle Team