Race Against CrisisSea Turtles Born in Florida Are All Females Due to Severe Heatwaves, Say Scientists“…you’re going to see a sharp decline in their population because we just don’t have the genetic diversity,” the researchers said.
Mission ImpossibleIndia Wants to Build Smart Cities. We Asked Experts if These Urban Designs Can Survive the Climate Crisis.
Aarrrghhh!How Heatwaves Can Make Us Irritable, Angry, and Even Prone to Suicidal Thoughts“What has been noticed also is that there is an increase in suicide rates — not just suicidal attempts — but death by suicides.”
Out of the Frying PanIndia Has Three New Heatwave Hotspots, Raising Mortality RisksIt is important to recognize heatwaves as a human health emergency and adopt heat resilient strategies in vulnerable regions.