How Did Savita Bhabhi Become So Controversial?
The character of Savita Bhabhi is transgressive in many ways. Shohini Ghosh, media scholar, explains.
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How South Asian Literature Explores Counter Narratives of Trauma
South Asian literature offers multiple narratives of women's trauma. Through one example, anthropologist Dr. Sarah Pinto explains how literature can provide a framework for people to express their experiences.
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How Did Vulgar Literature Promote Social Reform in 19th Century Punjab
How was cheap bazaar literature used to spread a reformist message in 19th century Punjab? Dr. Anshu Malhotra, historian, explains.
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Why Did Society Object to Women Reading Novels in 19th Century Bengal?
Why was reading novels considered inappropriate for women in 19th century Bengal Dr. Swati Moitra, cultural studies scholar, explains.
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How Did 19th Century British Literature Depict the Rani of Jhansi?
How did British literature depict the Rani of Jhansi in the 1857 rebellion? Dr. Harleen Singh, gender and sexuality studies scholar, explains.
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How Did Women’s Readership Transform the Urdu Novel?
How did a female readership aid the success of the Urdu novel? Dr. Amina Yaqin, Urdu scholar, explains.
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