Woe Is Me! is a series in which The Swaddle team indulges your pity party with advice you’ll probably ignore.
"My ex and I broke up a year and a half ago. We were together for three years before that. Despite it being a good relationship till then, she broke up with me without giving me any reason for doing so. I was left confused and hurt, and I still don’t understand what went wrong. We’re both with other people now – while it took me some time to move on, she began dating someone else two months after our breakup which made me suspect that she already knew this person while we were together. I thought I was over it, but recently the anger I felt at not being given any explanation for ending our relationship has returned. Should I confront her?"
-- Closure Needer
SA: While it's totally justified to need a reason and explanation for the break up to gain some closure, keep in mind that it has been a while since the break up now. Since she's moved on, she might not appreciate a 'confrontation' at this point. Best to approach it in a more amicable tone and see if she's open to a conversation. Take what she says at face value and avoid speculations or accusations about the origin of her new relationship. It doesn't serve you to bother with the semantics of their relationship now, instead focus on what you need to help you move on and feel better.
DR: No. You have nothing to gain from reopening old wounds. Let it be. Move on.
MM: This is wildly relatable and equally disappointing to think just how many people lack the courage to be transparent in relationships! You absolutely must not confront your ex, because no possible explanation from her will be satisfactory. In fact it is likely to uncover new feelings of hurt and maybe anger. Hey, maybe we will never get over some things fully and that's okay! Awareness FTW, live your best life!